Thursday, April 26, 2007


Resumption in Berlin... :

Amelie wasn't fit and ready enough to compete in the tournament in Warsaw next week.

For her comeback, Amelie has finally decided to resume competition in Berlin. The French number One will consequently start competition in Berlin, then follow that up with Rome tournament and have a good training week prior to Roland Garros.


Bumsby said...

YAY!!! Especially for the "follow up in Rome part" ;)

Bumsby said...

Hugo87 have you seen SpankMe's blog?!?!? She's finally got one ;)

Spank said...

shut up bumsqueak :P

Thank you for the news Hugo *hugs*

I thought Warsaw would be too soon for her after such an invasive operation! Amelie don't rush back please!

Spank said...

Will we get to see any of your movies or hear about your football team?

Hugo87 said...

Maybe spank maybe but my team is the worst team AS Monaco but I like Man U. too and the French team

Unknown said...

Can't wait anymore!!!! LOL

Bumsby said...

me neither :P