Friday, October 12, 2007

Amélie with Sarkozy

President Nicolas Sarkozy meets with tennis player Amelie Mauresmo at the French ambassador residence in Moscow.,in Moscow, Russian Federation


Spank said...

Nooooooooo!!!!! Don't meet with that fascist pig Amelie!!! >(

Spank said...

She looks good but Sarci is a bad man like bush and putin etc >(

Spank said...

Thank you for the photos btw I had not seen these before :)

Hugo87 said...

any thing for you spank

Spank said...

Thanks H *hug*

BARBIE said...

No comments on these pics, Hugo *tape*

Spank said...

He has just divorced his wife..I hope Amelie is not the other woman LOL :D
(not with him, but with his wife) :D